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Programs & Projects

Programs & Projects

ROV Workshops

Ocean exploration is for everyone!  ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) are a great tool to make ocean exploration accessible. Ask us about ROV kits, building your own ROV from a coat hanger or even ways to include ROVs in your curriculum.

Regional Focus:
Eastern Arctic

Members of the C4OE team have taken part in multiple expeditions to the eastern Arctic (Nunavut, Greenland, and Norway so far), learning firsthand about Traditional Ecological Knowledge and working alongside local communities to document the climate crisis.  (And Erica brought plenty of PVC ROVs, which provided lots of fun for the kids!)

Women's Dive Day

Each July for PADI Women's Dive Day we focus our attention on the lack of women in SCUBA diving.  While women make up 40% of new Open Water certifications, they are still less than 20% of Dive Professionals.  Our PADI Women's Dive Day programming allows women to try SCUBA diving in a safe, supportive environment, and encourages experienced women (gender-expansive!) to build their water skills and take on new certifications and challenges underwater.

GaspOur Beads

GaspOur Beads is a program created in 2015 and is play on words of the 100 year old Gasparilla parade in Tampa Bay, FL. After realizing that many plastic beads from boat-based parades like Gasparilla ended up Tampa Bay, the C4OE team employed ROVs and a cadre of volunteer divers to remove the beads from the bottom of the bay. Four years in, the program and its partners have twice received grant funding to assist in this innovative approach, using citizen science to solve environmental problems!

Citizen Science

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead   

This strategy keeps us moving forward.  Many partnerships require overhead, limiting that overhead is our main driver. An all volunteer board and participant effort allows us to commit to projects, see them to completion and help bring creative STEAM based projects to life.

Snorkeling in the Ocean
Learning is our
greatest adventure.

©2021 by C4OE

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© 2025 C4OE.  The Center for Open Exploration (C4OE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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